Welcome to XForms Monkey (A.K.A The Hammer)’s documentation!


To use the xforms monkey, build the project (using eclipse + ant-build) or download the instance_tool.jar file from: https://github.com/downloads/dimagi/XForms-Monkey/instance_tool.jar

Generate Instances

Then run one of the following commands:

java -jar instance_tool.jar generate [form_path] [number_of_instances]

This command generates number_of_instances from the form located at form_path (instances are filled with random data)

Send Instances

java -jar instance_tool.jar send [submissions_path] [server_post_url]

Submits all the xml files in submission_path to server_post_url


The instance_tool only supports basic authentication at this time, login credentials need to be specified in the server_post_url. No password prompting functionality exists at this time.

Generate Answer Key

java -jar instance_tool.jar answers [Xform_path] [csv_output_path]

Generates all the possible answers for each question in form Xform_path and outputs to a csv file located at csv_output_path

Indices and tables

Table Of Contents